NASM ORG Doesn’t Like SECTION: Unraveling the Mystery Behind This Error
Image by Chandrabha -

NASM ORG Doesn’t Like SECTION: Unraveling the Mystery Behind This Error

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Are you tired of encountering the “NASM ORG doesn’t like SECTION” error while trying to assemble your code? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many programmers have faced this frustrating issue, and it’s high time we demystify it once and for all. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of NASM, explore the SECTION directive, and provide you with clear instructions on how to resolve this pesky error.

What is NASM?

NASM, or Netwide Assembler, is a popular open-source assembler that converts assembly language code into machine-specific object files. It’s widely used for programming microcontrollers, building operating systems, and creating low-level system software. NASM supports a range of output formats, including ELF, COFF, and BIN, making it a versatile tool for developers.

What is the SECTION Directive?

In NASM, the SECTION directive is used to declare a section in the assembly code. A section is a logical division of the program that contains code or data. The SECTION directive is essential for organizing your code, as it helps the assembler to allocate memory efficiently and generate correct object files.

section .data
    ; data section
section .text
    ; code section

In the example above, we’ve declared two sections: `.data` for initialized data and `.text` for code. The SECTION directive is followed by the section name, which can be any valid identifier.

The “NASM ORG doesn’t like SECTION” Error

Suddenly, you’re faced with this cryptic error message:

error: ORG doesn't like SECTION

Don’t panic! This error occurs when NASM encounters a SECTION directive before an ORG (origin) directive. The ORG directive specifies the starting address of the program, and it’s essential for the assembler to generate correct object files.

Why Does NASM Need the ORG Directive?

The ORG directive tells NASM where to place the program in memory. Without it, the assembler assumes the program will start at address 0, which is usually not the case. By specifying the ORG directive, you ensure that the program is loaded at the correct address, making it compatible with the target system.

org 0x1000
section .text
    ; code section

In this example, the program will start at address 0x1000.

Resolving the “NASM ORG doesn’t like SECTION” Error

Now that we understand the importance of the ORG directive, let’s tackle the error head-on! To resolve the “NASM ORG doesn’t like SECTION” error, follow these simple steps:

  1. Move the SECTION directive below the ORG directive.

  2. org 0x1000
    section .text
        ; code section
  3. Ensure that the SECTION directive is not used before the ORG directive in your code.

  4. ; incorrect code
    section .data
    org 0x1000
    ; correct code
    org 0x1000
    section .data
  5. If you’re using multiple sections, make sure to specify the ORG directive before each SECTION directive.

  6. org 0x1000
    section .text
        ; code section
    org 0x2000
    section .data
        ; data section

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

To avoid encountering the “NASM ORG doesn’t like SECTION” error, follow these best practices:

  • Always specify the ORG directive before the SECTION directive.

  • Use meaningful section names to keep your code organized.

  • Keep your code sections separate from your data sections.

  • Use the correct output format (e.g., ELF, COFF, or BIN) based on your target system.


The “NASM ORG doesn’t like SECTION” error is a common issue that can be easily resolved by following the steps outlined in this guide. By understanding the importance of the ORG directive and the SECTION directive, you’ll be able to write efficient and error-free assembly code using NASM. Remember to keep your code organized, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different output formats and section names.

Directive Purpose
SECTION Declares a section in the assembly code
ORG Specifies the starting address of the program

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle the “NASM ORG doesn’t like SECTION” error and unleash the full potential of NASM assembly language. Happy coding!

Additional Resources

For further information on NASM and assembly language programming, explore the following resources:

We hope this article has been informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about NASM ORG not liking SECTION? We’ve got answers!

Why does NASM ORG have a problem with SECTION?

NASM ORG doesn’t like SECTION because it’s not a standard assembler directive. SECTION is a MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler) directive, not a NASM (Netwide Assembler) one. NASM uses SECTION instead, which is a more flexible and powerful way to define sections in an assembly program.

What’s the difference between SECTION and SECTION in NASM?

The main difference is that SECTION is a MASM directive, while SECTION is a NASM directive. SECTION is used to define a section in an assembly program, whereas SECTION is used to define a section in a NASM program. SECTION is more flexible and allows for more customization, making it the preferred choice for NASM programs.

Can I use SECTION in a NASM program?

No, you cannot use SECTION in a NASM program. NASM will throw an error if it encounters a SECTION directive. You must use the SECTION directive instead, which is the standard way to define sections in NASM programs.

Why did NASM ORG decide not to support SECTION?

NASM ORG decided not to support SECTION because it’s a MASM-specific directive, and NASM aims to be a more flexible and portable assembler. By not supporting SECTION, NASM can maintain its independence from MASM and focus on its own set of directives and features.

What are the alternatives to SECTION in NASM?

In NASM, you can use the SECTION directive to define a section, or you can use the SEGMENT directive to define a segment. You can also use the ALIGN directive to align data in a section or segment. These directives provide more flexibility and control over section and segment definition in NASM programs.