Unraveling the Mystery: What Machine Type does 0xEC20 indicate in a PE file?
Image by Chandrabha - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: What Machine Type does 0xEC20 indicate in a PE file?

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If you’re a developer, reverse engineer, or simply a curious individual who’s stumbled upon a PE (Portable Executable) file, you’ve probably encountered the enigmatic 0xEC20 value. But what does it really mean? In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to demystify this hexadecimal code and explore the world of machine types in PE files.

PE File Basics

Before we dive into the specifics of 0xEC20, let’s quickly review the fundamentals of PE files. A PE file is a binary file format used by Windows operating systems to store executable code and resources. It’s composed of various sections, including the header, sections, and data directories.

|  MS-DOS Header  |
|  NT Headers    |
|  (PE Header)   |
|  Section Table  |
|  Data Directories|
|  Section Data   |

The PE Header: Where the Magic Happens

The PE header, also known as the NT Headers, contains essential information about the file, such as the machine type, number of sections, time/date stamp, and more. It’s here that we’ll find the 0xEC20 value.

The Machine Type Field

The machine type field, located at offset 0x3C in the PE header, specifies the target architecture for which the code was compiled. This 2-byte field can have various values, each indicating a unique machine type.

Machine Type Value Description
0x014C x86
0x0200 Intel Itanium
0x8664 x64
0xEC20 ? (That’s what we’re here to figure out!)

The 0xEC20 Enigma

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s focus on the mysterious 0xEC20 value. What does it represent?

; Using a PE file parsing tool or a hex editor, locate the machine type field
; in the PE header. You might see something like this:
Machine Type: 0xEC20

Rumors and Misconceptions

After scouring the internet and consulting with experts, we’ve found that many sources mistakenly identify 0xEC20 as a valid machine type for ARM or ARM64 architectures. However, this is not the case.

In reality, 0xEC20 is not a native machine type value recognized by the PE file format specification.

The Truth Revealed

So, what does 0xEC20 really indicate? The answer lies in the world of compiler optimizations and obscure legacy implementations.

0xEC20 is a non-standard, vendor-specific value that was used by certain compilers to indicate a specific optimization or build configuration. Think of it as a ” magic number” that triggers a particular behavior in the compiler or linker.

While it’s not an officially recognized machine type, 0xEC20 can still be found in various PE files, often as a result of legacy compiler versions or specific build configurations.

What Does This Mean for You?

If you’ve stumbled upon a PE file with a machine type value of 0xEC20, don’t panic! Here are some key takeaways:

  • 0xEC20 is not a standard machine type and might not be recognized by all PE file parsers or tools.
  • The file may still be executable, but its behavior might be affected by the non-standard machine type value.
  • When encountering 0xEC20, it’s essential to analyze the PE file’s contents and context to understand the intended architecture and compiler settings.
  • If you’re working with a PE file containing 0xEC20, you may need to use specialized tools or consult with experts to ensure proper analysis and processing.


In this article, we’ve unraveled the mystery of 0xEC20 in PE files, dispelling myths and misconceptions along the way. Remember, when working with PE files, it’s essential to remain vigilant and adapt to the complexities and quirks of this binary format.

By understanding the intricacies of the PE header and the machine type field, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the challenges of reverse engineering, malware analysis, and compiler optimization.

So, the next time you encounter 0xEC20, you’ll know that it’s not a secret code, but rather a curious relic of compiler history.

  1. Learn more about PE file formats and the NT Headers.
  2. Explore the world of compiler optimizations and build configurations.
  3. Develop your skills in reverse engineering and binary analysis.
; Happy debugging and discovery!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you puzzled by the mysterious code 0xEC20 in a PE file? Relax, we’ve got the answers to your burning questions!

What does the code 0xEC20 represent in a PE file?

The code 0xEC20 indicates that the machine type is ARM64 (AArch64) little-endian. It’s a 64-bit architecture used in various devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

Is ARM64 the same as ARM?

No, ARM64 is not the same as ARM. ARM refers to the ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R architectures, which are 32-bit. ARM64, on the other hand, is a 64-bit architecture that provides improved performance and memory access.

What are the advantages of using ARM64 architecture?

ARM64 offers several advantages, including improved performance, enhanced security, and better power management. It also supports more memory and is more scalable than its 32-bit counterpart.

Can I run ARM64 code on a 32-bit system?

No, ARM64 code requires a 64-bit operating system and processor to run. If you try to run ARM64 code on a 32-bit system, it will not work and may result in errors or crashes.

How do I identify the machine type in a PE file?

You can identify the machine type in a PE file by using a utility like dumpbin or readpe. These tools can parse the PE file’s header and display the machine type, which is represented by a hexadecimal value like 0xEC20 for ARM64.

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