The Mysterious Case of Facebook Deep Links and Universal Links
Image by Chandrabha -

The Mysterious Case of Facebook Deep Links and Universal Links

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a frustrating issue that has left you scratching your head. When clicking on a Facebook post, sometimes you receive an fb deeplink, and sometimes you receive the universal link of your app. But what’s the difference, and how can you control which one is used? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the world of Facebook links and explore the reasons behind this phenomenon.

A Facebook deep link is a special type of link that allows users to open your app directly from Facebook, bypassing the need to open a browser or navigate to the App Store/Google Play Store. When a user clicks on a Facebook post with a deep link, they are taken directly to the corresponding page or feature within your app. This provides a seamless user experience and increases engagement.

Example of a Facebook deep link:

A universal link, also known as a smart link, is a single link that can open your app on mobile devices, and fall back to a web page if the app is not installed. Universal links are designed to provide a consistent user experience across different platforms and devices. When a user clicks on a universal link, Facebook will try to open your app, and if it’s not installed, it will redirect them to the App Store/Google Play Store or a web page.

Example of a universal link:

So, why do you sometimes receive an fb deeplink and sometimes a universal link? The answer lies in Facebook’s linking behavior. Facebook uses a combination of factors to determine which link to use, including:

  • Device and OS**: Facebook will use fb deeplinks on devices where your app is installed, and universal links on devices where it’s not.
  • App Install Status**: If the user has your app installed, Facebook will use an fb deeplink. If not, it will use a universal link.
  • Link Format**: Facebook will use the link format provided in your app’s configuration. If you’ve set up fb deeplinks, Facebook will use those. If not, it will default to universal links.
  • User Settings**: Facebook will respect the user’s device settings, such as whether they’ve opted-out of app linking.

To set up Facebook deep links, you’ll need to configure your app’s settings in the Facebook Developer Dashboard. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a Facebook App ID**: Go to the Facebook Developer Dashboard and create a new app. Note down the App ID and App Secret.
  2. Configure Deep Linking**: In the Facebook Developer Dashboard, go to Settings > Basic and scroll down to the Deep Linking section. Enter your app’s bundle ID and enable deep linking.
  3. Define Deep Link Routes**: In the Deep Linking section, define the routes that should open your app. For example, you can specify that fb:// should open a specific page within your app.
  4. Add Facebook SDK to Your App**: Integrate the Facebook SDK into your app to enable deep linking. You can find the Facebook SDK for your platform (e.g., iOS, Android) in the Facebook Developer Dashboard.

To set up universal links, you’ll need to configure your app’s settings in the Apple Developer Dashboard (for iOS) or Google Play Console (for Android). Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Enable Associated Domains (iOS)**: In the Apple Developer Dashboard, go to Capabilities > Associated Domains and enable the feature. Add your app’s domain (e.g., to the list.
  2. Configure Intent Filters (Android)**: In the Google Play Console, go to Release Management > App Release and scroll down to the Intent Filters section. Add a new intent filter with the action VIEW and the category BROWSABLE.
  3. Define Universal Link Routes**: Define the routes that should open your app. For example, you can specify that should open a specific page within your app.
  4. Handle Universal Link Open Requests**: In your app, handle the open request from the universal link by parsing the URL and navigating to the corresponding page.

To ensure a seamless user experience, follow these best practices:

  • Use Consistent Link Formats**: Use consistent link formats across all platforms to avoid confusion and ensure that links work as expected.
  • Test Your Links**: Test your links thoroughly to ensure they work on different devices, platforms, and browsers.
  • Provide Fall-back Options**: Provide fall-back options for users who don’t have your app installed, such as redirecting them to a web page or the App Store/Google Play Store.
  • Respect User Settings**: Respect user settings, such as opting-out of app linking, to maintain trust and ensure a positive user experience.


In conclusion, Facebook deep links and universal links are two powerful tools that can enhance the user experience and drive engagement. By understanding how they work and configuring them correctly, you can provide a seamless experience for your users. Remember to follow best practices, test your links, and respect user settings to ensure a positive experience for all.

Link Type Format Behavior
Facebook Deep Link fb:// Opens app directly, bypassing browser
Universal Link Opens app if installed, falls back to web page or App Store/Google Play Store if not

I hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of Facebook deep links and universal links. By implementing these features correctly, you can take your app’s user experience to the next level.

Frequently Asked Question

Got curious about Facebook links? You’re not alone! We’ve got the scoop on why you’re seeing different links when clicking on Facebook posts.

Why do I sometimes see an FB deeplink and sometimes the universal link of my app when clicking on a Facebook post?

Facebook has a clever way of deciding which link to show you. When you click on a post, Facebook checks if the Facebook app is installed on your device. If it is, you’ll see an FB deeplink, which takes you directly to the app. If not, you’ll see the universal link, which opens the app store or a web page instead. It’s all about providing the best user experience!

How does Facebook determine which link to display?

Facebook uses a variety of factors to decide which link to show. These include your device type, operating system, and whether you have the Facebook app installed. If you’re using a mobile device, Facebook will prioritize showing the FB deeplink if the app is installed. If you’re on a desktop, you’ll usually see the universal link. It’s all about providing a seamless experience!

Can I control which link is shown to users?

As a developer, you can influence which link is displayed by configuring your app’s settings in the Facebook for Developers dashboard. You can specify the preferred link behavior for your app, including whether to prioritize FB deeplinks or universal links. However, keep in mind that Facebook’s algorithms will still make the final decision based on the user’s device and app installation status.

Why is it important to have both FB deeplink and universal link configured for my app?

Having both links configured ensures that users can access your app seamlessly, regardless of whether they have the Facebook app installed or not. FB deeplinks provide a direct path to your app, while universal links serve as a fallback for users who don’t have the app installed. By configuring both, you’re providing the best possible experience for all users!

Are there any best practices for handling FB deeplinks and universal links in my app?

Yes! When handling FB deeplinks and universal links, make sure to test your app’s behavior on different devices and platforms. Also, consider using a link management service to simplify the process and ensure that your links are correctly configured. Finally, keep in mind that Facebook’s algorithms can change, so stay up-to-date with the latest documentation and best practices to ensure a smooth user experience!